Title | The Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory |
Author | Heisenberg, Werner / Eckhart, Hoyt |
Asset Number | 00178 |
Publisher | Dover |
ISBN | |
Published Date | 1949 |
Edition | 1 |
Printing | 1 |
Description | Soft cover.
The book is collection of 1929 university lectures by Heisenberg but with more detailed mathematics. The book discusses quantum mechanics and one 1931 review states that this is a "less technical and less involved account of the theory".
In the book, after briefly discussing various theories, including quantum theory, Heisenberg discusses the basis for the fundamental concepts of quantum theory. Also by this time Heisenberg has stated, "the interaction between observer and object causes uncontrollable and large changes in the [atomic] system being observed...". In this work Heisenberg also discusses his uncertainty principle or uncertainty relations. |
Category | Physics |
Epoch | Vintage |
Date Acquired | 01/06/2021 |
Condition | (2) Very Good |