Book Library

TitleThe Complete Dinosaur
AuthorFarlow, James O. / Brett-Surman, M. K.
Asset Number00338
PublisherIndiana University Press
Published Date1997
Cloth hardcover with unclipped dust jacket. Boards loose.
This book is the single most authoriative and accessible source for the general reader on dinosaur science today. In the past decade, dinosaur paleontology has experienced an explosive growth. So rapidly has the field expanded that no individual can hope to master all its aspects. The editors have brought together 47 experts in subjects ranging from functional morphology and paleobiology to biogeography and systematics to present a thorough survey of dinosaurs from the earliest discoveries through the contemporary controverises over their extinction. Where contention exists, as over the question of whether dinosaurs, were warmblooded or cold-blooded, the editors have let the experts agree to disagree. Technical jargon is kept to a minimum, and there is a glossary of less familiar terms.
CategoryLife Science
Date Acquired05/03/2021
Condition(3) Good