Book Library

TitleBritish Monachism
AuthorFosbrooke, Thomas Dudley M.A.F.A.S.
Asset Number00642
PublisherJohn Nichols, Son and Bentley
Published Date1817
EditionNew and Enlarged
Rebound hardcover. Pages stained with damp.
1817 British Monachism Or Manners And Customs Of The Monks And Nuns Of England
Ex Libris J Fosbroke MD (Son of T D Fosbrooke?)
To which are added: 'I. Peregrinatorium Religiosum; or Manners and Customs of Ancient Pilgrims. II. The Consuetudinal of Anchorets and Hermits. III. Some Account of the Continentes, or Persons Who Had Made Vows of Chastity. IV. Four Select Poems, in Various Styles'. Compiled from manuscripts in the British Museum and Bodleian libraries, and extensive study of various chroniclers, dissertations, and Charles du Fresne, sieur du Cange's 'Glossarium mediae et infimae Latinitatis'. A first thus enlarged and illustrated edition. Collated, complete with twelve plates and two in-text illustrations. The final plate 'Pilgrim's is bound as the frontispiece of the work, as suggested in the final page of text.
EpochPre 1840
Date Acquired07/09/2023
Condition(3) Good